A weight loss program that provided nutritional guidance based on routine assessments of resting energy expenditure and ...
The effect of salbutamol on REE was studied in 8 patients with ... increasing total daily energy expenditure of patients with chronic lung disease. This observation should be considered in the ...
Furthermore, the association of smoking and elevated REE was not removed when markers ... optimal in some patients that can elevate resting energy expenditure by itself. However, adjustment ...
Indirect Calorimetry (resting): Two open-circuit metabolic monitors are available for assessment of resting energy expenditure (REE) and substrate oxidation (fat, carbohydrate) (Vmax ENCORE 29N ...
According to NIH, these are your “resting metabolic rate, or resting energy expenditure (REE); the thermic effect of food (TEF), also referred to as diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT); and ...
Figure 2. Comparing two 30-year-old women of the same height and medium frame, the obese woman has a lower resting energy expenditure (REE) per kg of body weight than the average-weight woman.