Pinocchio, who is an Andean bear, underwent a root canal. Originally from Ecuador, he was found abandoned as a cub and was ...
Pearl suffered horrific facial injuries which left her upper jaw hanging off her face. But thankfully vet's were able to save ...
Tribeca Smiles Elevates dental Care with TMJ Management, Pain-Free Sedation, and Advanced Root Canal Therapy for Enhanced Patient Comfort.
I'm not a vain person at all and I don't spend all my time looking in the mirror but since I've had them done, every time I ...
A new expert consensus on apical microsurgery has been released, offering a comprehensive guide to this highly effective, minimally invasive dental procedure.
A three-year-old Border Collie has had its face saved by Somerset vets after being involved in a "hit and run" in Somerset ...
Border Collie Pearl is back home with her owner Lucy Ballard at Wadebridge, Cornwall after having her jaw rebuilt following ...
On her 19th birthday, Isabella Strahan had emergency surgery to remove a brain tumor “somewhere between the size of a golf ...