The termination letters that ended the careers of thousands of U.S. Forest Service employees mean fewer people and less ...
We’re honoring nonprofit leaders, educators and members of a health advocacy group serving African Americans and marginalized communities.
Los Angeles has committed to radically reducing its homeless population, while at the same time rebuilding and preparing to host the Olympics.
San Diego County Sheriff Releases Cause of Death for 6-Day-Old Baby Boy, After 22-Year-Old Father Arrested in Spring Valley ...
We cannot make a heaven on Earth, though we may make a hell.” That’s from the great conservative political philosopher ...
A new wildfire was reported today at 3:46 p.m. in Los Angeles County. The wildfire has been burning on private land.
Multiple lanes on northbound Highway 99 were blocked after a crash near Oak Park. LiveCopter 3 shows a vehicle with emergency ...
City of Trees Parade & Mardi Gras FestivalFebruary 22nd, 3PM – 9PMThe biggest Mardi Gras parade in California is back for its fourth year, celebrating all of Sacramento’s diverse ...
Overgrown grass and shortened hours at City Hall are among the early signs of budget cuts expected to appear throughout Yuba City as local officials make stop-gap fixes to the city’s looming shortfall ...
It's becoming impossible to think about where to live without thinking about climate resiliency. It's changing the safety and affordability of today's housing market.
Since the County Sheriff's Department stopped responding to non-criminal mental health calls, the focus has been on 988, the ...