Sailor Moon's Death Busters arc introduces viewers to the prestigious Mugen Academy. The academy was created by a renowned professor, Souichi Tomoe. The elite private school educates children of all ...
Sailor Moon has a few iconic movies in its roster, with many classic and even recent ones deserving of a new adaptation in their own right.
The Super Live, the worldwide smash-hit 2.5D musical sensation based on the wildly popular manga, will arrive in Minneapolis.
Both the Kodoku no Gourmet live-action series and original manga follow a solitary salesman named Gorō Inagashira as he ...
The official musical based on "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon," one of the most universally acclaimed manga and subsequent anime, has announced a North American tour with 18 stops across the U.S., ...
Midlander Nick Bascus, a graphic designer, turned his love for vintage toys into a successful business, Zunna Vintage Toys & ...
The story begins with Amate Yuzuriha, a high-school student living peacefully in a space colony floating in outer space. When ...
Among anime with strong female protagonists, there are characters that stand out with exceptional courage, intelligence, and emotional depth.
Travel off the beaten path to Sailor's Creek Battlefield. This Virginia state park has a bone-chilling history tied to the ...
If you watched “ Nightbitch ,” the darkly comedic and unsettling film starring Amy Adams as a young mother who begins to ...
Something rare is happening in the skies in the next few days — a black moon. This rare celestial event is due to an unusual calendar alignment: two new moons in one month. The first occurred ...
As long as it keeps adding good movies to its roster, that is. It recently snagged a few critical darlings like Killers of the Flower Moon and Wolfwalkers.