Firefighters and emergency responders rushed to the scene of a structure fire with reported entrapment Thursday evening | ...
A South Jersey community came together this week to rescue a steer that was stuck in the mud and help him to safety.
One of the longest-standing residents at the Northern Ocean County Animal Facility is still searching for a permanent home.
If you foster, work at, or volunteer with a North Jersey animal shelter or rescue, send your adoptable pets to to be featured.
Group named for fallen flyer joins with Pilots to the Rescue for latest transport from Elkwood aviation site, a stopping ...
The “unprecedented” migrant wave that slammed Boston Logan Airport forced airlines to pick up some of the $779,000 tab ...
Pet rescues have used interviews, strict adoption criteria and adoption take-backs to protect animals. The methods have ...
With just 1,600 more lives saved, the Garden State can become a beacon of hope for companion animals and the people who love ...
According to PetMD, new cats should be introduced to each other slowly, first by sharing their scents and allowing them to sniff at each other from behind a door before introducing them to each other ...
A distressed deer suffering from a suspected fibroma was rescued after concerned residents alerted the Associated Humane ...
A group of maintenance workers in New Jersey recently discovered four dead dogs on the side ... After a dog fighting ring is broken up, the animals are evaluated and sent to shelters and rescue ...