Patients most "in need" should be able to see the same doctor at every appointment in their local GP surgery, the government says. GPs will be rewarded financially if they do this and if they go ...
This means the clinic keeps a very elaborate record of its patients’ health, and now all that is in the hands of hackers, along with copious amounts of personal information. The full list of ...
The first two months of the initiative saw 14 people transferred to intensive care units after patients, their family or NHS staff called for a second opinion. Other patients have also been moved ...
For instance, Dr Kelvin Goh, medical lead at United Primary Care Network, observed that during the pandemic, many patients who contracted COVID-19 went on to develop shingles. Similarly ...
Concerns about hospital care have sparked more than 500 calls requesting a rapid review under Martha’s Rule in just two months. The NHS scheme was introduced earlier this year in memory of 13 ...
A senior NHS doctor who raised concerns about the safety ... that Armstrong was 'highly likely in future to act so as to put patients at unwarranted risk of harm'.
An icon of a desk calendar. An icon of a circle with a diagonal line across. An icon of a block arrow pointing to the right. An icon of a paper envelope. An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. An icon ...
Leaflet plugins for working with a handful of the most popular ArcGIS Service types. This includes Esri basemaps and feature services, as well as tiled map, dynamic map and image services. This ...
This means the clinic keeps a very elaborate record of its patients’ health, and now all that is in the hands of hackers, along with copious amounts of personal information. The full list of exposed ...
Emergency doctors have criticised NHS guidance on how patients should be treated in hospital corridors. They fear that new guidance normalises a dangerous situation and that caring for patients in ...
Bed blocking can also impact routine surgery, as there is a shortage of beds for patients to recover in after an operation. It costs the NHS £395 a night to care for someone when they could be ...