LETHBRIDGE HERALDapulido@lethbridgeherald.com The University of Lethbridge unveiled its new strategic plan, a shared vision that addresses the changing landscape of post-secondary education ...
LETHBRIDGE HERALDapulido@lethbridgeherald.com The Green Party of Canada has entered the electoral race locally through Lethbridge’s candidate Amber Murray, who is looking to make federal water ...
This little town in Alberta is the gateway to some of the most incredible scenery in the country. While the province is known ...
The classic line is that decades ago Marg and Ron Southern had a dream, and from that sprung Spruce Meadows. Fifty years ...
Capital Power owns a 50 per cent interest in Shepard Energy Centre through a joint venture agreement with Enmax as the ...
As a result of a request for proposal issued in 2024, $5 million in grant funding will be awarded to 19 land conservation projects, protecting nearly 21,000 acres across the ...
In June 2025, the Calgary Stampede will welcome people from around the corner and around the world to Stampede Park with ...
Spring in Alberta is such a treat with the gorgeous views and a stop in some of these small towns is simply magical during ...
Stumbling around in the gloomy grey light, tired from post-holing through pockets of knee-deep snow and zigzagging through ...
Who wins when threatened cutthroat trout are left to defend themselves and their spawning beds from bulldozers and backhoes?
A 35-year look at 800 southern mountain caribou across B.C. and Alberta shows major declines in unique seasonal migration ...
She has been covering courts, crime and stories of police accountability in southern Alberta for more than a decade. Send Meghan a story tip at meghan.grant@cbc.ca.