B ack in November, the fish-loving community was chuffed to the gills after several dead Chinook salmon carcasses floated to ...
"There are a number of different things that we're going to be able to learn from this." Scientists stunned by reappearance ...
The following is a news release from the Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game. SALMON – To keep fish from getting stranded in ...
The judge agreed with the National Marine Fisheries Service that its review of the annual harvest specifications sufficiently ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking and searching for food.
California’s embattled salmon populations continue to struggle. According to figures released on February 26 by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) at an Anadromous Fishes Conservation ...
California’s Chinook salmon population continues to decline, prompting concerns over a possible third consecutive closure of ...
California's fishing fleet depends on catching Chinook salmon. Low population numbers could lead regulators to shut down or ...
According to research commissioned by Yukon Energy, the mortality rate of juvenile chinook salmon killed by ... for the species because significant spawning and rearing habitat still exist.
Lingcod fishing is open March 8 through Oct. 18. Daily aggregate limit is nine bottomfish and includes a sub-limit of seven black, blue/deacon, yellowtail and widow rockfishes, two lingcod and one ...
According to research commissioned by Yukon Energy, the mortality rate of juvenile chinook salmon killed by decompression ... these should be unlocked for the species because significant spawning and ...