For instance, spring-run chinook salmon enter the rivers of Northern California and southern Oregon during the spring runoff, when the rivers are swollen with snowmelt. The waters are cooler and ...
Spring-run Chinook salmon are also a preferred and primary food for Southern Resident orcas, which are themselves listed as endangered, having a population of only 73 individuals. Diminishing salmon ...
Wildlife officials hoping to replenish depleted salmon populations hurled tens ... when a truck loaded with approximately 102,000 spring Chinook smolts rolled onto its roof and crashed as it ...
Several months after the start of a pilot program aiming to restore salmon runs in California’s Sierra County, Chinook salmon can be found in the North Yuba River “for the first time in close ...
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, four nonprofits allege the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to meet deadlines on ...
The minimum size for salmon is set at 12 inches, and wild Chinook must be released. Fishing will be open only on Mondays, ...
Between the main stem and its tributaries there is somewhere around 40 to 50 miles of habitat that is ideal for spring-run Chinook salmon for holding, spawning and rearing,” said Colin Purdy ...
PORTLAND, Ore.— The Center for Biological Diversity and Pacific Rivers filed a petition today to protect Washington coast spring-run Chinook salmon under the federal Endangered Species Act. The ...
Columbia River anglers will get to continue fishing for hatchery spring chinook salmon below Bonneville Dam from March 1 through April 6. Sport fishing is currently open through March 31 for ...
“Spring-run Chinook salmon badly need protections, but instead the agency has taken the lazy river approach and drifted past its own deadlines.” Chinook salmon are the largest of the Pacific ...