In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Steven Spielberg slips in his most overt Star Wars Easter egg, dedicated to a fan-favorite character.
In 1982, a kids' film with no big stars dethroned Star Wars as the highest-grossing film in the world, and held that title for over a decade.
Not only have you been without me for a whole extra week, but now THIS!? Let's take a journey, you and me, though the most divisive Star Wars film ever conceived at least until the next one.
Despite the tepid reception back in 2000, the Jedi Power Battles remaster is a fun return to simpler times when Star Wars ...
It's frustrating at points and oddly stilted, but there's still some real Star Wars magic to it. Block a blaster bolt with ...
This is a module crafted for the FFG Star Wars system in Foundry VTT. It allows you to enhance your actors by adding custom fields beneath their derived values, providing greater depth and ...
The remaster of Star Wars: Episode I: Jedi Power Battles was announced in October last year. Helmed by the prolific remaster masters at Apsyr, the title will bring in a few extra bells and ...
Watch The Empire Strikes Back a hundred times over and you’ll be more shocked by Darth Vader revealing he’s Luke Skywalker’s father than I was when the news broke ...
whether they be extras who had small parts or had smaller, though still pivotal, roles behind the scenes. Named after the studio where Star Wars (before it had the A New Hope subtitle) was filmed ...