The Colors Within is an original concept anime film, written by Reiko Yoshida ( A Silent Voice) and directed by Yamada. The new film follows Totsuku, a young girl who can see the color of people’s ...
The beauty world is especially enamored of her refreshed aesthetic, as social media teems with videos speculating which aesthetic procedures are behind the Mean Girls star’s glow-up. The ...
Fortunately, just as our brains and bodies respond negatively to trauma, stress and disease, so do they also respond—in a positive sense—to the arts and aesthetic experiences. Over the last 30 ...
Gifford is suing Sheil for supposedly stealing her vibe, or, as she puts it, “replicat[ing] the neutral, beige and cream aesthetic of [her] brand identity,” and imitating her “outfits ...
This year's report highlights that individuality and sensory engagement will reign supreme. From daring aesthetics to flavorful fixes, here's a glimpse into 2025's hottest trends.
all while ensuring the result and she herself are presented in a very ‘Instagrammable’ aesthetic. With a surge in right-wing conservative governments and adjacent social media content ...
Maybe it was inevitable that the wilds of influencer culture would, in time, yield headline-making legal action, but that’s exactly what’s playing out this month, as a Minnesotan influencer ...
Its adaptable structure aligns with the dynamic nature of modern offices, enabling seamless transitions as spatial needs evolve without compromising the aesthetic integrity. Central to the ...