Please review the Drexel Urban ... waterfront in this year’s Charrette. Join Tracy Hadden Loh, PhD, and Drexel faculty for a keynote lecture and panel on urbanism. Hadden Loh is a Fellow with the Anne ...
The I-195 District chose a proposal with pointy towers and a pedestrian street, over street-level parking or a hotel.
"Include urban design strategies" to relate the building to the I-95 District Park, the waterfront and streets ... of the river "The incorporation of placemaking gestures and/or public art is ...
City officials and the Buffalo Urban Development Corp ... by the city and BUDC include the Downtown Waterfront Improvements Plan, the Smart Streets Design Plan, the Shelton Square-Erie Street ...
With surrounding greenery and seating, the plaza was a magnet for people, a model of good placemaking that should ... interior and urban design to improve the quality of life for all San Diegans.
Downtown Waterfront Improvements Plan, the Smart Streets Design Plan, the Shelton Square-Erie Street Greenway Plan, Ellicott Street Placemaking Plan and the Downtown Buffalo Infrastructure and ...
Throughout her career, she has advised landlord clients on the design ... waterfront regeneration in the heart of DC where he was the Project Director. Matt has a background in urban planning ...