In an engaging episode of the global health and wellness show Bloom, host Gayle Guyardo welcomed Erin Demarines, a CEO, vegan hospitality consultant, and certified ...
When you're too tired or too busy to make an elaborate meal, opt for one of these easy one-pot vegan recipes instead.
As more people are trying to find ways to save on their grocery bill, a growing plant-based movement called Veganuary may ...
Trying out vegan recipes for the first time? Give these 10 high protein vegan recipes to make for Veganuary a try.
Vegan Gluten-Free for Beginners MORE of Every Recipe You'll Ever Need Veganuary WFPB Cooking Show ...
I always found the problem with January challenges or New Year's Resolutions is that they're too rigid. Life isn't as structured as your typical work day, with easily fillable slots of time to ...
As we enter 2025, you might be thinking about swapping out meat and embracing a vegan lifestyle – here's how to do it ...
Whether you're taking part in the annual Veganuary pledge or you're just looking to cut down on your meat consumption, finding some vegan alternatives can have huge health benefits. Vegan foods ...
The Machneyuda Group has restaurants all over the world, including Assaf Granit’s Shabour in Paris, which was awarded a Michelin star in 2021. Information ...
But, that’s where batch-cooking comes in. Here’s why meal prepping can be the ultimate time-saver, plus a few of our favorite vegan recipes to try out. Batch cooking can save your life. Well, perhaps ...
Vegans are also more likely to hit the recommended daily servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains than meat-eaters.