Students at one El Paso school district got to flex their artistic muscles while learning the cultural relevance of one of Mexico's biggest religious icons. In preparation for the 25th annual ...
RECOMMENDED: ARC El Paso: students bring the Virgen de Guadalupe to life for art exhibit The mural was unveiled Thursday which was also the day of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The new 80 ...
Save big on self-care and jewelry with these Insider Deals El Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, celebrated annually on December 12, is one of the most significant religious and cultural observances ...
Un sábado 9 de diciembre, el indio Juan Diego, recién convertido a la fe católica, se dirigió al templo para oír Misa. Al pie de un cerro pequeño llamado Tepeyac vio una nube blanca y ...