In the frigid forests of Siberia, a story worthy of a Disney adaptation is unfolding. Boris and Svetlaya, two orphaned Amur tigers, have defied the odds and showed tremendous resilience after being ...
Conservationists hope the love story between Boris and Svetlaya might indicate a new, successful chapter in tiger ...
In the frigid night of China's Qinling mountains, hunters with huge social media followings scour the landscape in pursuit of ...
When Russian scientists released a pair of orphaned Amur tiger cubs into the wild in a remote corner of Russia’s far east in 2014, they were trying to save a species. While the tigers ...
Two Amur tigers, Boris and Svetlaya, have captivated the world with their extraordinary reunion in the wild after being separated by nearly 200 kilometers. Their story is more than just a touching ...
In a heartwarming turn of events, two Amur tigers, Boris and Svetlaya, have been reunited in the wilds of Russia, defying the odds after being separated for nearly 200 kilometres. This remarkable ...
Established through a partnership between the management bureau of the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park and ...
Love is a universal language, which knows no boundaries — not even in the wild. In Russia's far east, a young Siberian tiger named Boris was given a second chance at life. Raised in captivity ...
A big cat sanctuary in Washington is temporarily closed and quarantined after bird flu killed 20 wild cats there, including ...