The Information Commissioner’s Office said Advanced Computer Software Group had been fined over security failings that put ...
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 's pharmacy technicians have won an award for their work with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients. The team received the Innovation of the Year prize ...
There are already more than 20,000 people on ADHD waiting lists in the region, and figures could increase even further by at ...
A Gateshead paramedic at North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) has been nationally recognised for her outstanding service.
Last Autumn, local NHS bosses revealed their 'case for change', which could see maternity and gynaecology services moved away ...
A care attendant has been sanctioned by the industry regulator after he ‘lost his self control’ with a dementia patient. Gary ...
Powys Teaching Health Board members (PTHB) have agreed to increase the waiting times for treating Powys residents in English ...
The British Dental Association has released new analysis showing how struggling that from next week, families will be again ...
Fewer than one in three GP appointments is face-to-face with a doctor, a study has revealed ...
Practices which offered more same-day appointments also had patients who were less satisfied than those in other surgeries.
The A19 has been closed in both directions following a serious crash - with the road likely to remain closed for several hours.