As this recent opening-day scene from Lake Winnibigoshish shows, Minnesota anglers are opting for bigger boats to fish the state's 10 largest, and best, walleye lakes. (Dennis Anderson/The ...
Anglers with questions regarding current conditions can call the IDFG Salmon Region office at (208) 756-2271." The press release continued: "Additionally, IDFG boat ramps from North Fork upstream ...
The anglers were trapped at a low-head dam on the Little River. This style of dam can trap people in recirculating currents — effectively forcing them underwater. Donald Trump Renews Barack ...
Assisting at the scene were firefighters from Freeport, Moorefield, Washington Township and Bowerston, as well as Piedmont Marina personnel. Reach Jon at 330-364-8415 or at jon.baker@timesreporter ...
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission hosted a virtual presentation Monday about perch and walleye fishing in Erie and the success rates of anglers. The agency’s staff conducted a Lake Erie ...