According to previous reports, the purported Redmi K90 Pro may run on the Snapdragon 8 Elite 2 chipset. It is expected to arrive as the successor to the Snapdragon 8 Elite in H2 2025. The phone may ...
The Galaxy S25 series has loads of AI features, including a real-time display upscaling tool. Although much of the hardware ...
Balenciaga has released a limited edition handheld that runs a version of Snake to celebrate Lunar New Year, but it looks far worse than an old Nokia.
The now almost four month-long ban on sales of the iPhone 16 in Indonesia may be lifted "very, very soon," according to a ...
Apple is closing in on an investment plan deal with Indonesian authorities that would allow it to resume iPhone 16 sales in ...
"Hopefully within one or two weeks this issue can be resolved", Roeslani told Bloomberg Television in Davos, Switzerland.