Rhea County is one of 21 counties in the state of Tennessee that have a Tier One ... have been the longest serving sheriff in Rhea County history with 24 years of service.
The Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, shown on Feb. 13, was the scene of the famous Scopes Trial in 1925. The courthouse has a museum dedicated to the trial in its basement and also has statues of ...
The last brief witness Frank E. Robinson was a local druggist who expressed his opinion that using the above biology book ...
Some pet owners in Rhea County are concerned after they say their dogs died not long after being treated by a veterinarian.Official documentation shows the vet ...
If one looks at a standard American history textbook published in the ... While not sure if he had taught the subject, young Rhea County teacher John Scopes agreed to be the defender in the ...
— Gibbs Gardens in Ball Ground, Georgia, about two hours from Chattanooga, is must-see if you have time for a day trip. The ...
With the arrival of spring, comes the Food Truck and Craft Beer Festival at Coolidge Park this weekend. There are also plenty ...
After Florida lawmakers authorized the widespread use of the Classic Learning Test as a college entrance exam alternative in ...
As its leaders aim for added market share in Arkansas, Tennessee ... Rhea Law agreed to stay on the job longer as trustees seek her replacement. Principal discipline: A Leon County middle school ...
RHEA COUNTY, Tenn. — Some pet owners in Rhea ... Richards sent his dog off for a necropsy at the University of Tennessee. That report says the cause of death was an abdominal hemorrhage and ...