Acupuncture research is vitally important for the advancement of traditional East Asian medicine (TEAM). From basic science research findings to bedside implementation of acupuncture treatment, data ...
The most common symptom of an overactive bladder is a sudden, uncontrolled need or urge to urinate; followed by the need to urinate excessively throughout the day and night, independent of fluid ...
In TCM, the human being is seen as a complex interplay of physical and non-physical elements. The concept of souls, each associated with specific organs and functions, is integral to this view: The ...
Editor’s Note: Part 1 of this article appeared in the November issue. The he-sea points relate to the bowels, which is the area where the Divergent Channels are thought to diverge. The shu-stream ...
The pelvis serves as the foundation or root of the body. When acupuncturists treat the pelvis, we can create a catalyst for healing the whole body. The physical anatomy of the pelvis and the ...
Unfortunately, figuring out whether an acupuncturist is licensed is not as easy as it looks. Although the most common degree designation for an acupuncturist is LAc, some states use different titles ...
Emotions act as a warning sign to the practitioner, indicating what organs may be involved in a patient’s pattern of imbalance. One of my main treatment goals when working with these patients is to ...
Governor Gavin Newsom has retracted the proposed budget cuts to the Medi-Cal acupuncture program for low-income Californians for the 2024-2025 budget year. This decision marks a significant victory ...
The eight extraordinary meridians, pathways of energy (qi), run deep within our bodies, and supply the 12 regular meridians with qi and blood, supporting our DNA or genetic heritage. They have no ...
Barbara Brownsmith Campbell is the CEO / co-founder of Acupuncture Insights, Inc. Following a career that spanned elementary to post-graduate education, Barbara has had the opportunity to employ her ...
I recently had a wonderful teaching opportunity with a patient who experienced tremendous results using the patent medicine Gan Mao Ling for an acute cold / flu. I always make sure all my patients ...
A good business plan helps to define your target market, competitive advantage and optimum pricing strategies, and prepares the business for upcoming challenges. Developing a SWOT analysis can help ...