A charming winter visitor that brings high-pitched honking sounds of the Arctic to wetlands across Europe. The Pink-footed Goose is characterised by its greyish-brown plumage, short pink bill with a ...
Poised to strike, this large heron stalks along American waterways in search of fish and other small animals. These widespread waterbirds are among the tallest of North America’s birds. The Great Blue ...
Known as the jewel of the garden, and North America's most common hummingbird, this tiny, vibrant bird, can sip nectar from over 1,000 flowers a day. The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is a tiny, ...
Known for its stunning crimson and green plumage, this vibrant parrot lights up gardens and rainforest edges across eastern Australia. The Australian King-parrot is a striking medium-sized parrot with ...
This plump, ground-dwelling game bird thrives in farmlands and scrubby hillsides across Europe and beyond. The Red-legged Partridge is a plump, round-bodied game bird with distinctive markings. Its ...
This loud and vibrant green parrot, originally from Africa and Asia, has become a familiar sight in urban parks and gardens worldwide. The Rose-ringed Parakeet is a vibrant green parrot with a long ...
One of nature's long-distance champions, this hardy goose braves Arctic tundra and boreal forests on its epic migrations. The Taiga Bean Goose is a large, robust waterfowl with predominantly brown ...
Only found in mountainous pine forests of the western United States and in a small region of British Columbia, white-headed woodpeckers are one of North America’s least numerous woodpeckers. Habitat ...
A colossal nocturnal hunter with a wingspan nearly six feet across, this remarkable fish-owl plunges into icy rivers to catch salmon with its massive, featherless talons. Blakiston's Fish-Owl is one ...
This spectacular pheasant, with its kaleidoscope of colors and extravagant plumage, ranks among the world's most visually striking birds. The male Lady Amherst's Pheasant is a striking bird with ...
This tiny raptor, no bigger than a starling, packs a fierce punch as it hunts insects and small prey across the savannas of East and Southern Africa. The African Pygmy-falcon is a tiny raptor, ...
This vibrant aerial acrobat swoops through European skies, snatching bees and wasps mid-flight with precision and flair. Roughly the same size as a Starling, the European Bee-eater is a strikingly ...