Borra toda la operación y reinicia la calculadora. (y ) (Paréntesis): Utilizados para agrupar operaciones y controlar el orden de las operaciones en una ecuación compleja. CE (Clear Entry): Borra solo ...
¿Cuánto vale la luz hoy? El precio medio de la luz para hoy es 0.106 €/KWh Euros/kWh para la Tarifa Regulada PVPC, y la hora más barata de la luz será entre las 14-15 horas, cuando la electricidad ...
¿Cuánto gasta tu nevera, lavadora o televisor? Te sorprenderá el consumo de tus electrodomésticos. ¡Calcula tu consumo ...
El ruido en los equipos de climatización siempre ha sido uno de los grandes dolores de cabeza de los compradores. Les añaden la etiqueta de «silenciosos» con tal de vender, pero la realidad en la ...
Si no sabes lo que es un «prompt» y empiezas desde «cero», puedes aprovechar este curso sobre IA gratis en español, en caso contrario ¡pasa al siguiente! Si empiezas desde cero en el mundo de la ...
Today, the real estate market offers many opportunities to rent or buy a home with a varied price range and construction qualities, so the competition is really fierce when it comes to selling a ...
From the perspective of Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, when we practice certain actions, our energy can be revitalized. If we apply it to our home, it helps us to create a harmonious and balanced ...
Throughout history, decorative painting has been used to beautify objects and interior design. Nowadays, the effects of wall painting that we can use are impressive! In wall decoration there are ...
The subject of prefabricated architecture and in particular, prefabricated houses, are constantly being updated, designed and incorporating new capabilities in the face of technological innovations.
If we look at human existence, the history of housing has varied drastically over time and centuries; size, materials, height, design, types…etc. From the caves of our cave-dwelling ancestors or ...
Sometimes we forget that we have hands, it’s as simple as that. And, our ancestors; with effort, a little art and craft, had the ability to know how to build a house. To know those construction ...