UCL Medical Society aims to educate and inspire individuals about all aspects of medicine. We run a wide range of events, welcoming first-class speakers from many walks of medical careers. The society ...
Join the UCL Soap Opera Society as we watch the new episode of EastEnders! Please do not hesitate to contact me (Danilo, President and Founder of UCL Soap Opera Society) if you have any questions at ...
Hiya my friends, I am Darcy the Postgraduate Officer at the SU. We’re excited to offer you another Postgraduate Career Supercharger session - Masterclass with a seasoned expert in Higher Education and ...
Seize this opportunity to explore Sustainable Finance to enhance your industry knowledge and gain insider tips from senior industry professionals from JP Morgan 🌿💰. UCL ESG Society and UCL Green ...
Join us for Get Women into STEM, an inspiring event designed to provide attendees with a direct insight into the experiences of women working in STEM. Representatives from British Airways, Nestlé, GSK ...
It's that time of the year again with the Annual General Meeting for Aikido Club. Please all attend if possible for a briefing on next year's committee positions and the duties and responsibilities ...
Sr Carino Hodder O.P. will come to discuss Pope St John Paul II's document Mulieris Dignitatem. Sr Lucy O.P., also from the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph in New Forest will discuss how they live out ...
Join Dr. Xavier Viñals Gonzalez, Embryologist and Honorary Research Fellow at IfWH, as he explores cutting-edge approaches to studying eggs and embryos. Titled "A good egg: from imaging algorithms to ...
Join the UCL Laws Faculty for a guided walk through Camley Street Natural Park -- a hidden gem of wild green space in the heart of London. Nestled on the banks of Regent’s Canal, this two-acre nature ...
Hiya folks! Join us for an exciting day of innovation and social entrepreneurship at UCL's Hult Prize On-Campus Pitch Day🤠 Witness the next generation of change makers as UCL's brightest minds ...
Join us at the Institute of Education (4th Floor) on Thursday 13th March. We're giving away free 10-minute, 30-minute, and 60-minute ride passes, plus exclusive Forest Bikes merchandise. All you have ...
UCL Music Society runs a range of activities and events for anyone who wants to get involved with music at UCL! We have an auditioned Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Choir, Vocal Group UC8 and A Cappella ...