National Playgroup Week is a time to celebrate the immeasurable impact that playgroups have on both children and their families,” Ms Caska said.
An early childhood teacher from WA has spoken out about the violence, swearing and ‘out of control’ behaviour she encounters in the course of her role.
A number of ECEC peak bodies and advocates have issued statements in response to a six month investigation by the ABC’s Four Corners program.
For Dr Hirsh - Pasek, one of the most pervasive myths is that curriculum means “everything should be academic with capital A." ...
Fair Work Commission decision has ruled that anti-bullying protections are not available to those employees who are on workers’ compensation leave.
The ABC’s six-month investigation revealed what happens when the values and goals of education and care are misaligned with corporate agendas.
What is going wrong with childcare in Australia? Researchers share their thoughts following Monday night's Four Corners episode.
Applications for the Certificate III Upskill Support Program close on 13 June. Places are limited so students are encouraged to apply early.
Although one of the Genius operating entities has now been placed into administration, the second, Abacus 49 Pty Ltd, continues to operate.
High intensity OSHC was developed to support specialist school students’ families who shared with the Government that finding affordable outside school hours or holiday care that gives their children ...
Prasanna Roy is an accomplished education professional with a background in science, neuroscience and psychology built on qualifications obtained in her native Bahrain.
This postgraduate qualification takes 12 months (full time) to complete, with the academic learning and assessment, classes and coursework fully online.