Long Story Short is an animated comedy about a family, over time. It’s about the shared history, the inside jokes, the old ...
Whereas Velma made a bunch of noise to justify the show’s first season, Chris Lloyd and Phil Miller’s attempt at reviving a ...
The FOX Network has announced the release frame for the upcoming Winter 2025 debut of its Animation Domination lineup and ...
Tina becomes the new advice columnist for the school newspaper; Teddy volunteers to build a float for the Bounty of the Bay ...
And among THOSE others is another show, Ranma ½, that helped pave the way for the Harem comedies of the future, as well as ...
The last episode of The Simpsons for 2024 gives a bit more light on to the ol’ Smithers even sort of giving him his own intro with music from Queen which is definitely an on brand musical act to use ...
Mark becomes the new business manager of a local water ice shoppe.
The Watcher is judged by members of his own kind for his crimes of repeatedly breaking his oath, leading the team of Captain ...
A young girl named Andy, living in Wrestling World, endeavors to become the best pro-wrestler ever and takes on the alias of “Fight Girl.” What does this have to do with Invincible Fight Girl? Well, ...
The change in Mayuri’s Spiritual Pressure is also felt elsewhere by Urahara and Kyoraku.
Green Lynx (David Kaldor): Aimless 20-something given a paid outlet for his thoughts on cartoons. Fears being boring slightly more than being outright disliked. Christopher Guerrero and Sarah ...
Peter Parker is on his way to becoming a hero, but his path to get there is anything but ordinary. As noted in this new official trailer for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man which is slated to ...