I once walked down Wabasha Avenue in downtown St. Paul and was stopped by an old wino who asked for something to eat and when ...
After 22 years of service to the City of Granite Falls Minnesota, Firefighter Seth Aus is retiring from the Fire Department.
Can you believe that fraud, errors, and abuse cost Medicare more than $60 billion last year? Medicare fraud is one of the ...
I am writing from the second highest location in Cottonwood County. I am at Shalom Hill Farm, about 17 miles north west of ...
Jessie Hennen, of rural Wood Lake, hosted a discussion at the YES! House in downtown Granite Falls titled “Spooky 1920’s ...
Question: The other day I was going down the freeway and I saw a vehicle that must’ve missed their exit as they were backing ...
When people hear the word dementia, they immediately think of Alzheimer’s Disease – and rightly so, as Alzheimer’s Disease is ...
I was reading the psalm for this next Sunday (the 2nd Sunday in Lent) and the plea to God, “Do not cast me off” is what ...
Each week, the Advocate Tribune will share a photograph from our archives for you to “guess who”. To submit your guesses, send us a message by email to jstolen-jacobson@cherryroad.com or message our ...
I am a glutton for punishment, so I’ll be spending this week’s spring break working. However, rather than scheduling visiting ...
How cold was it? A type of punchline: It was so cold the ice was complaining about the temperature! The reality is more ...
This time of year, I sometimes think of the poem Pippa Passes (1841) by Robert Browning.