Sonic The Hedgehog 3 is the third film in a live-action movie franchise that began in 2020 with ‘Sonic The Hedgehog. The ...
The console wars — between Super Mario on the SNES and Sonic on the Sega Genesis — live on at the US box office.
Sonic Rumble is offering some incentives for pre-registration on mobile and Steam, including a skin based on the Sonic movies ...
Copies of some classic Sonic the Hedgehog games are getting more expensive in light of the most recent live-action movie's ...
With “Sonic” sprinting at the box office and cult-hit reboots underway, Sega is on the rebound. It’s not just nostalgia, says ...
The Sonic the Hedgehog sneakers released exclusively at Reebok last month are now available on Amazon for a reduced price.
The Sonic movies feature some amazing characters who are constantly producing hilarious and poignant moments with their ...
Sonic toys have landed in Happy Meals in the UK, bringing Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie-themed toys to McDonald's.
For a long time since the release of “Super Mario Bros.” in 1993, video game movies were usually flops. However, in the new era of computer-generated imagery and animation, things have changed. Maybe ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 raced into theaters late December and has already earned more than $380 million worldwide. That’s ...
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 has done incredibly well worldwide, and in the US, it's reached a rather apropos milestone.
In terms of games that aren't on sale though, a bunch of Xbox 360 titles have suddenly appeared in the Top Paid charts. Sonic ...