Certain foods can reduce inflammation in the brain and keep it in a better condition – and sticking to real food is a good place to start ...
Professor Tim Spector has urged people to avoid doing this common habit in the evenings, as it could be damaging to your gut ...
Professor Tim Spector, an epidemiologist and founder of Zoe Health, urged people against late night snacking for this reason.
Millions of us take supplements believing they are helping keep us healthy — but one leading scientist says they do no such ...
Professor Tim Spector said the food contains something linked with "slower rates of cognitive decline" after revealing that ...
Professor Tim Spector has issued an urgent warning to people who may wish to take Ozempic "without a medical need". Ozempic ...
Professor Tim Spector has revealed that he eats a specific food every day to help lower his risk of dementia, which his ...
Believe it or not, 'TOFI' - meaning Thin on the Outside, Fat on the Inside - is a real term used to describe people with a ...
Many of us are quick to assume that 'slim' and 'thin' individuals are always healthy - but experts warn this isn't ...
Following his own mother's diagnosis, Tim shared the four key dietary tips that could help to keep dementia at bay.
The gut health expert and ZOE founder said he wants to protect his brain after his mother was diagnosed with dementia at the ...