The cherry blossoms that line the iconic Washington, D.C., waterfront are days away from reaching peak bloom, according to ...
Hailstorms seem to be happening more frequently and the hail appears to be getting bigger. But the reasons for this might not ...
The agency’s mandate has expanded from strengthening energy security to boosting the global clean energy transition, but it ...
Global heating over this millennium could exceed previous estimates due to carbon cycle feedback loops. This is the ...
There's a small chance of very high warming even with moderate future emissions, according to a computer model exploring what ...
Around the globe, hotter temperatures stoked by climate change are increasing the odds of both severe drought and heavier ...
Agricultural runoff, less wintertime ice cover and strong storms that deposit nutrients into the lake are other possible ...
Miami is hosting Climate Week as South Florida emerges as the nation’s center of innovation to address climate challenges. | Opinion ...
There were 90 declarations of “major disasters” in 2024, making it one of the worst years for disasters declarations in the ...
Washington state needs lithium to meet the demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy. But mines add to a legacy of ...
President Donald Trump's Environmental Protection Agency is rolling back regulations that helped protect Americans.