Becoming an Indiana State Police trooper is a big step - and a monumental challenge. It is understandable that many questions may arise in making such a decision. To make the process a bit easier, we have listed below several of the most common questions asked by potential recruits.
Apply to be a Trooper; Join Our Family! Sign Up to Receive ISP News Releases; Register to Vote; I want to apply for a Firearms License; Find information about Indiana's firearm laws; Request …
The starting salary for an Indiana State Police (ISP) recruit is $2,538.47 bi-weekly as a Trooper Trainee during the academy training. At the completion of academy training, the starting annual salary is $70,000 as a Probationary Trooper.
The Indiana State Police is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All candidates must meet minimum selection criteria and successfully complete the application and selection process prior to being granted a conditional offer of employment to attend the Indiana State Police Recruit Academy.
Becoming an Indiana State Police trooper is a big step - and a monumental challenge. It is understandable that many questions may arise in making such a decision. To make the process a bit easier, we have listed below several of the most common questions asked by potential recruits.
The Indiana State Trooper selection process is an in-depth and lengthy procedure, approximately seven months. Components of the process include: * Application * Written Examination * Physical Ability Tests * Oral Interview * Polygraph * Background Investigation * Medical and Psychological Examinations * Toxicology Screening * Superintendent’s ...
Contact your local police agency to inquire as to their procedures to complete your application. If you need to schedule an appointment and what to bring to the appointment. If you still have further concerns, you can contact the Indiana State Police Department at
The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) provides academic and field instruction designed to acquaint the Trooper Trainee with the performance, functions and duties of an Indiana State Trooper. The conduct of the school closely corresponds to training for officer candidates in …
Does Indiana law require me to carry my handgun on my person in a concealed or exposed manner? Are there places where it is illegal to carry a handgun even though I have a valid handgun license? Do I need a license to take my handgun to target practice?