Mindfulness practice is a training that develops this capacity. Developing our mindfulness skills can enhance out mental health and well-being. There are three foundational mindfulness skills …
Each worksheet offers practical, engaging exercises that guide students toward a deeper understanding of themselves and their surroundings, cultivating a state of present moment …
Write down whatever you observed after each step. Briefly describe what is happening or has just happened. Use objective language, not interpretations. Listen mindfully to the sounds around …
Mindfulness Handout 3a (Mindfulness Worksheet 3) (p. 1 of 2) ideas for practicing Wise mind The mindfulness skills often require a lot of practice. As with any new skill, it is important to first …
Seven Factors of Non-Reactivity. These seven factors or ways to approach meditation practice help in its development, leading to being less reactive and more responsive or in short, to …
Bring awareness to moments of reacting and explore options for responding with greater mindfulness and creativity. Observe your communication style this week. Pay attention to what …
Being with Anger, Non-Reactive When you exercise mindfulness, you exercise non-reactivity or the capacity to stay centered, grounded, and unshaken in response to a stimulus.
Content: During the eight weeks, we explore Mindfulness by cultivating moment-to-moment awareness through a range of Mindfulness Practices. Mindfulness is defined as “paying …
Sep 16, 2017 · Select a simple example of your own habitual reactivity where you tend to feel mildly irritated, annoyed, impatient, anxious, avoidant or stuck (Examples may include: driving …